Winters’ Day In

Time to spill the tea. Wanna cuppa?

Journal, Mentions Talena Winters Journal, Mentions Talena Winters

When the Mirror Lies

Over and over again, I have seen how what we believe to be true about ourselves, we make true about ourselves. And there's nothing that anyone else can say to change that self-image unless we want to change it.

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7 Things, Family, Writing, Scrapbooking, Journal Talena Winters 7 Things, Family, Writing, Scrapbooking, Journal Talena Winters

7 Things I'm Grateful For

Wow, so much has happened last week/will be happening this week that I'm going to be posting a couple times this week. For today, because it's Monday, because it's been a while, and because I'm much better at posting these moments on Instagram and Facebook than keeping my blog updated, here's a 7 Things summary of what's been going on.

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Journal Talena Winters Journal Talena Winters

Full Circle

Good morning, blog. I had no idea when I got up this morning that this is the day I would come back here, finally, and reintroduce myself.

I've missed you while I've been away. Have you missed me?

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Grief, Journal Talena Winters Grief, Journal Talena Winters

Getting Unstuck

A day at a time, the log jam is loosening and the ideas are flowing. The sun is coming back, energy is returning, and I am pulling myself blinking from the retreat of hibernation. For my own mental and emotional health, this year needs to be less about driving myself and more about reducing commitments, taking care of myself, and finding my passion again. It needs to be about healing.

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Journal Talena Winters Journal Talena Winters

A Year is Just a Trip Around the Sun

I've been quietly avoiding interacting with all the social media posts bashing 2016, as though a year can be to blame for all the things that are wrong with the world or a person's life. It seemed so ludicrous, and I figured if someone was going to be that negative and blame it on a calendar, my energy would be better spent elsewhere than trying to help them see how ridiculous that is.

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Vacation, Journal Talena Winters Vacation, Journal Talena Winters

Misadventures in Mumbai

This might look like greasy, fried Western food, but tonight, it was what relief tasted like. It was the flavour of a small victory after a long and frustrating day. It was safety after about as much adventure as we could handle at once.

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