A Year is Just a Trip Around the Sun
I've been quietly avoiding interacting with all the social media posts bashing 2016, as though a year can be to blame for all the things that are wrong with the world or a person's life. It seemed so ludicrous, and I figured if someone was going to be that negative and blame it on a calendar, my energy would be better spent elsewhere than trying to help them see how ridiculous that is.
Honestly, 2016 was a really great year for me, a year that I could sum up by "keep moving forward." It was leaps and bounds better than 2015, even though I am still dealing with the aftermath of that year.
Photo courtesy of perhapzzz / 123RF Stock Photo
Yes, there were some hard things in 2016--but I've survived worse. (See 2015.) There were some pretty freakin' amazing things in it, too, like climbing out of the dark hole of depression, taking some risks in my career that have paid off and left me feeling happier and more satisfied with my work in all areas, and realizing more fully what I want to be when I grow up. (Besides a mermaid.)
That's why I had to laugh at Jordan et al's sarcastic take on the "2016 Sucked" theme going around the Internet.
It was just a year, folks. Let's focus on the good things in our lives instead of the bad. It is during difficult times we learn and grow the most. I hope you always benefit from the lessons you learned in 2016, and may 2017 be a year where you choose to remember your blessings.
Happy New Year!