Winters’ Day In
Time to spill the tea. Wanna cuppa?
Coming to Life Again
I’m rising from the ashes of a crash and burn four years ago with hope and optimism for a new year, and some intentions to make it a year I’m proud of.
Some weeks, we crawl instead of walk
I felt slower than usual this week, but still ended up with some cool things for my readers and knitting customers. And I got to be social, too.
Peaks and Valleys
When the blahs happen two weeks a month, it’s not just depression… Also, update on my slow productivity mission, what I did this week in my business (hint: knitting pattern update), and some sad news about my grandmother.
Breaking the Bread of Tradition
My history of bread baking, and my first adventure into sourdough.
You Mean I Don't HAVE To Be Sick?
Ningxia Red is one of the most amazing products that Young Living has to offer, in my opinion (and they have some pretty amazing stuff!)
That's The Way It Is
This article is reprinted here in full from
Vaccines Exposed: A Hidden Crime Against Our Children: NewsTarget) "The greatest lie ever told is that vaccines are safe and effective," said Dr. Len Horowitz. I am a father, and in the course, I have spent a reasonable amount of time researching vaccines in order to determine the most sensible cause of action for my daughter.