Shipping Information

I ship to Canada, the USA, and the UK. All items are lovingly packaged and then shipped via the postal service, insured and trackable.

If you wish to order my items to ship to a country not listed here, please contact me to get a shipping quote.

Shipping Rates

  • Shipping rates are flat rate based on weight. The more you order, the more shipping I absorb into my cost.

  • Shipping will be charged separately for items shipped from the author vs. drop-shipped items.

  • Get FREE shipping to Canada and the USA on Author-Shipped items when you spend $99 CAD or more.

Shipped from author in Peace River, Alberta, Canada:

Orders shipped from the author include books, bookmarks, and bookplate stickers.

  • Local pickup and delivery options are available for Peace River, Alberta, Canada.

  • Ships out in 1 to 2 business days.

  • Transit time is usually 5 to 12 business days for most of Canada and the USA, but may be up to 19 business days for some North American locations and the UK.

  • You can see exact expected arrival times by tracking your order.


Zone 1: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Saskatchewan

  • 0 to 0.05 lbs: $2.50 CAD

  • 0.06 lbs and up: $10 CAD

Zone 2: Newfoundland and Labrador, Ontario, Québec

  • 0 to 0.05 lbs: $2.50 CAD

  • 0.06 lbs and up: $14 CAD

Zone 3: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Prince Edward Island, Yukon

  • 0 to 0.05 lbs: $2.50 CAD

  • 0.06 to 2 lbs: $22 CAD

  • 2.01 to 3 lbs: $23 CAD

  • 3.01 to 4 lbs: $24 CAD

  • 4.01 lbs and up: $25 CAD


  • 0 to 0.05 lbs: $2.50 CAD

  • 0.06 lbs and up: $14 CAD


  • 0 to 0.05 lbs: $4 CAD

  • 0.06 to 1 lb: $26 CAD

  • 1.01 to 2 lbs: $51 CAD

  • 2.01 to 3 lbs: $61 CAD

  • 3.01 to 4 lbs: $71 CAD

  • 4.01 lbs and up: $98 CAD

Drop-shipping Rates (various locations of origin):

Drop-shipped orders include print-on-demand merchandise.

  • Most orders will print and ship in about 5 business days.

  • Transit time is usually between 6 and 19 business days.

  • You can see exact expected arrival times by tracking your order.


  • 0 to 1 lb: $10 CAD

  • 1.01 to 2 lbs: $12 CAD

  • 2.01 to 3 lbs: $14 CAD

  • 3.01 to 4 lbs: $16 CAD

  • 4.01 lbs and up: $18 CAD


  • 0 to 1 lb: $8 CAD

  • 1.01 to 2 lbs: $10 CAD

  • 2.01 to 3 lbs: $12 CAD

  • 3.01 to 4 lbs: $14 CAD

  • 4.01 lbs and up: $16 CAD

What goes into the costs of shipping?

The relatively high shipping rates for items shipped from me are due to the rate agreements that Canada Post has with the USA and most other countries. (My remote location makes Canada Post the only economical carrier to use.)

I absorb a significant portion of the shipping and handling costs into my prices, with increasing amounts based on weight.

Canada—land of wide open spaces. Which means we pay a lot for shipping.