Ep 13: My Book Publishing Timeline
Business Planning, Publishing, Distribution Talena Winters Business Planning, Publishing, Distribution Talena Winters

Ep 13: My Book Publishing Timeline

In this episode, I talk about working under duress, ways I’ve been using dictation, and the approximate schedule I use in my indie publishing process.

Note: I am an affiliate of some of the platforms you can access through the universal book links below, which means if you make a purchase, I get a few cents at no additional cost to you.

Mentioned in this episode:

The Indie Publishing Process Part 1: From the End to the Finish

The Indie Publishing Process Part 2: Publishing and Distribution

The Indie Publishing Process Part 3: Finding Your Readers (a.k.a Marketing)

Wide for the Win Facebook Group

Wide for the Win by Mark Leslie Lefebvre

Successful Self-Publishing by Joanna Penn

Draft2Digital (affiliate link)

Kobo Writing Life

Mug Quote of the Week:

"Excuse my mess. My comfort zone is being renovated." - Talena Winters

Inspired by:

“It’s only after you’ve stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and transform.” - Roy T. Bennett

Question of the Week:

What's one thing you wish you had known before you started publishing?

Tweet me: https://twitter.com/talenawinters
Leave a comment at: https://www.talenawinters.com/realtalkforwriters/2022/5/13/ep-13-my-book-publishing-timeline

Original music by Josh Rickard, www.joshrickardmusic.com.

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Ep 12: Improving Characters with the Enneagram
Craft, Mindset, Project Development Talena Winters Craft, Mindset, Project Development Talena Winters

Ep 12: Improving Characters with the Enneagram

In this episode, I talk about working with beta readers, planning my next project, and how learning the Enneagram helped me make my characters better.

Note: I am an affiliate of some of the platforms you can access through the universal book links below, which means if you make a purchase, I get a few cents at no additional cost to you.

Mentioned in this episode:

Every Star that Shines preorder

Enneagram overview

Enneagram types

Drew Newkirk's channel

The Emotional Wound Thesaurus by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi

H. Claire Taylor's email series about the Enneagram for writers: www.ffs.media/readnow

Mug quote of the week:

“I am the wound and the blade, the torturer and the flayed.”

― Charles Baudelaire, The Flowers of Evil

Question of the week:

What tools do you use when you are creating or refining characters?

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Original music by Josh Rickard, www.joshrickardmusic.com.

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S1E11: What Editors Wish Authors Knew about Working with Editors
Project Development, Craft Talena Winters Project Development, Craft Talena Winters

S1E11: What Editors Wish Authors Knew about Working with Editors

In this episode, I talk about completing the first draft of my manuscript, what I'm going to do next, and my thoughts as a writer and editor about what editors wish writers knew about working with them.

Note: I am an affiliate of some of the platforms you can access through the universal book links below (marked with an *), which means if you make a purchase, I get a few cents at no additional cost to you.

Mentioned in this episode:

The Story of St. Patrick (VeggieTales)

Newsletter Ninja 2 by Tammi Labrecque*

Blog tour for The Undine's Tear

Sell More Books Show Episode 418: Mastering Deadlines, Creativity, and That Kickstarter

Kobo Writing Life Podcast Episode #286: Writing Female Friendships with Anat Deracine

Six Figure Authors Episode 123: Dealing With Criticism as an Author

The Rebel Author Podcast with Sacha Black Episode 129: Save the Cat Writes a Novel with Jessica Brody

Save the Cat Writes a Novel by Jessica Brody*

Mug Quote of the Week:

How to fly:

  1. Throw yourself at the ground.

  2. Miss.

Inspired by the following quote by Douglas Adams from Life, the Universe, and Everything:

“The Guide says there is an art to flying,” said Ford, "or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

Question of the Week:

Was there a time you disagreed with an editors' recommendation, and are you glad you did?

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Original music by Josh Rickard, www.joshrickardmusic.com.

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S1E10: Change is the only Certainty
Business Planning, Mindset, Productivity Talena Winters Business Planning, Mindset, Productivity Talena Winters

S1E10: Change is the only Certainty

In this episode, I talk about tools for writing emotion and developing characters, a recent family situation that means a major adjustment, and my tools for coping with change and challenges.

Note: I am an affiliate of some of the platforms you can access through the universal book links below, which means if you make a purchase, I get a few cents at no additional cost to you.

Mentioned in this episode:

Brenna Davies's article about me on the Boomarten Editorial blog:

2022-02-25: Author Spotlight: Talena Winters

The Writer's Thesaurus series by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi:

The Emotion Thesaurus

The Emotional Wound Thesaurus

The Negative Trait Thesaurus

Mug Quote of the Week:

"Let reality be reality."

From the following longer quote:

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” Lao Tzu

Bonus quote:

“We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” Joseph Campbell

Question of the Week:

If you've been affected by the stresses of the world or just the natural stresses of life, what are useful practices to help you adapt, in your business or in life?

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Original music by Josh Rickard, www.joshrickardmusic.com.

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S1E9: Taking Chances on Yourself with Jessica Renwick
Author Interview, Marketing, Mindset, Writer Inspiration Talena Winters Author Interview, Marketing, Mindset, Writer Inspiration Talena Winters

S1E9: Taking Chances on Yourself with Jessica Renwick

In this episode, I interview Jessica Renwick, an independently published middle grade fantasy and sweet romance author and copyeditor who has bucked popular indie wisdom and reaped great rewards. We also talk about dealing with Impostor Syndrome, where she finds inspiration, and adventures in advertising. In the introduction, I talk about some new tools in the indie author space.

(Please note that I am an affiliate of Amazon.com, .ca, and .co.uk, so if you click through to one of those stores from the links below and make a purchase, I’ll get a few cents without any additional charge to you.)

Mentioned in this episode:

About Jessica Renwick:

Jessica Renwick is the award-winning author of books about friendship, courage, and being true to yourself. The Book of Chaos was her first novel and the start of Starfell, her fantasy series for middle-grade readers. Since then she has also published the second and third book in the series, a paranormal mystery for middle-grade kids, and a sweet romance series for adults.

She lives in central Alberta, Canada with her loving partner, two pocket monsters (her dogs), and a flock of chickens.


Interviews with Jessica on my blog:

Jessica Renwick: Writing a New Ending (inspirational personal essay)

Author interview with Jessica Renwick when she released The Bow of Anarchy (Starfell Book 2)

Jessica on Instagram:

@jessicarenwickauthor, @jessicaannerenwickbooks

What we chat about:

Courses Jessica recommends:

Bryan Cohen's 5-Day Author Ad Profit Challenge - Free Amazon Ads challenge

Mark Dawson's advertising course: comprehensive cross-platform ads course

David Farland's craft and business courses: https://mystorydoctor.com/

Find Jessica’s upcoming books here:

March 15 - The Book of Chaos (Starfell Book 1) releasing on audio. Pre-order on Audible.

March 29 - The Curse of the Warlock (Starfell Book 4) on eBook & print. Audiobook in September.

Mug quote of the week:

"Our own life has to be our message." Thich Nhat Hanh

Question of the week:

What's a risky decision you've made about your indie author business that has paid off in unexpected ways?

Tweet me: https://twitter.com/talenawinters

Leave a comment.

Original music by Josh Rickard, www.joshrickardmusic.com.

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S1E8: Inviting Opportunity to Knock
Marketing, Mindset Talena Winters Marketing, Mindset Talena Winters

S1E8: Inviting Opportunity to Knock

In this episode, I talk about:

  • My recent struggles with Impostor Syndrome and Resistance and how I overcame them (this week)

  • Branding and marketing are both telling stories

  • Putting lots of hooks in the water - how we create doors for Opportunity to Knock on. (Don’t worry, the metaphor is only mixed in these notes, not the episode. Or is it?)

  • Marketing done right is actually serving our readers

Mentioned in this episode:

Sell More Books Show, Episode 410: Helpful Mindsets and Pursuing Your Passion

Bookmarten Editorial

Mug Quote of the Week:

“If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.” Milton Berle

Question of the Week:

When was a time opportunity knocked because you'd built a door for it to knock on, and how did it pay off?

Tweet me: https://twitter.com/talenawinters

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Original music by Josh Rickard, www.joshrickardmusic.com.

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S1E7: Branding challenges for multi-passionate creatives
Marketing Talena Winters Marketing Talena Winters

S1E7: Branding challenges for multi-passionate creatives

In this episode, I talk about embracing my finitude (or trying), writing progress, and some of the challenges and progress I've made with branding multiple creative businesses under one domain.

Mentioned in this episode:

Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman (affiliate link to some stores)

Wish I'd Known Then… for writers podcast

My Merch store

Mug quote of the week:

"Slow progress is still progress." (Available as an actual mug in my merch store. And a sticker.)

Question of the week:

What's your biggest branding challenge? If you don't have any but you've solved some before, what was it and how did you solve it?

Original music by Josh Rickard, www.joshrickardmusic.com.

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S1E6: The hidden value of our connections
Craft, Project Development, Writer Inspiration, Research Talena Winters Craft, Project Development, Writer Inspiration, Research Talena Winters

S1E6: The hidden value of our connections

In this episode, I talk about planning for the unexpected, working around copyright issues when referring to other people's Intellectual Property in our novels, the life and times of Pinocchio, Punch and Judy, and Anna Leonowens, and how serendipitous inspiration makes books better. I also discuss the hidden value we should take into consideration when hiring people in our business.

Mentioned in this episode:

Best Book Ever podcast by Julie Strauss: https://bestbookever.libsyn.com/

Stark Reflections Patreon roundtable discussion where I met Julie

Mug Quote of the Week:

Be the kind of person you would like to meet.

Question of the week:

How have you seen the hidden value you and others bring to the table pay off in your career or in your life?

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Music by Josh Rickard, www.joshrickardmusic.com.

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S1E5: Excellence is a habit
Productivity, Business Planning, Craft, Publishing Talena Winters Productivity, Business Planning, Craft, Publishing Talena Winters

S1E5: Excellence is a habit

In this episode, I talk about doing writing math, the one-step-back stage of recovery burnout, and whether it's worth it to revise and republish older work.

Leave a comment on this episode here.

Mentioned in this episode:

Roundtable Reflective on the Stark Publishing podcast with me as one of the guests

Becca's current Burnout Recovery series on YouTube: Why is this not over yet? (Quitcast Episode 4.02)


“Excellence is a habit.

— Will Durant

Article about this quote's backstory (and why it is frequently misattributed to Aristotle) by Caelan Huntress on Medium

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S1E4: Life happens. Write anyway.
Marketing, Business Planning, Productivity, Distribution Talena Winters Marketing, Business Planning, Productivity, Distribution Talena Winters

S1E4: Life happens. Write anyway.

Hello, and welcome to Coffee & Real Talk for Writers. I'm a multi-genre indie author, developmental editor, and a career creative. Grab a cuppa and let's chat about the writer's life.

In this episode, I talk about being inspired to do better at direct sales, the results of my experiment with AI Narration, and the struggle with setting book prices, as well as a shift I'm thinking of making to increase writing productivity.

Direct link to this episode page: https://www.talenawinters.com/realtalkforwriters/2022/01/20/s1e4-life-happens-write-anyway

Mentioned in this episode:

6 Figure Authors podcast:

SFA 115 - Making More Money Selling Your Books Direct with Katie Cross: https://6figureauthors.com/podcast/making-more-money-selling-your-books-direct-katie-cross/

IngramSpark: https://www.ingramspark.com/

Spiderman: Miles Behind fan film: https://youtu.be/2qKXdjkWNBU

Write for the Win Storybundle for writers: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wideforthewin/permalink/1255946151582898/

Stark Reflections podcast: https://www.starkreflections.ca

Becca Syme Quitcast: https://www.youtube.com/c/BeccaSyme

Contact: https://www.talenawinters.com/contact


Mug quote of the week:

Life happens. Write anyway.

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S1E3: The Joy is in the Journey
Marketing, Craft, Productivity Talena Winters Marketing, Craft, Productivity Talena Winters

S1E3: The Joy is in the Journey

In this episode, I talk about how the CliftonStrengths have helped me develop as a person and a writer, and also why most of my top strengths are fed by my podcast addiction. :-) Also, we talk about success metrics for writing, cliffhangers in series, and marketing tips for newer authors—especially wide authors who write in multiple genres. Hint: Patience is the key, so take joy in the journey.

Mentioned in this episode:

Goddess Fish Promotions: https://www.goddessfish.com/

Becca Syme - Write Better-Faster Academy - https://betterfasteracademy.com/

5 Critical Things for Successful Book Signings by Adam Dreece (affiliate link) - https://books2read.com/u/bOyPZW

The Elevator Pitch blog post - https://www.talenawinters.com/writing-tips/2019/9/9/your-story-in-a-single-sentence-part-2-the-elevator-pitch

The Elevator Pitch video: https://youtu.be/16Uy8DtGm4o

My Book Description Writing Services - https://www.talenawinters.com/editing#blurb

Post by author Suzie O’Connell in Facebook group Wide for the Win about marketing - https://www.facebook.com/groups/wideforthewin/permalink/1252194868624693/

ALLi post “What Readers Want from Writers in 2022” -

Written Word Media’s “What Do Readers Really Want: How to Write a Book to Market” - https://www.writtenwordmedia.com/how-to-write-a-book-to-market/

Bryan Cohen’s 5-Day Author Ad Profit Challenge, currently just starting if you want to check it out at https://bryancohen.lpages.co/jan22/.

Author and editor Brenna Bailey-Davies is doing a webinar called “Self-Editing for Fiction Writers” on January 27 through Editors Canada. You do not have to be a member to take the webinar.

Register at https://training.editors.ca/upcoming_webinar/self-editing-for-fiction-authors/.

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S1E2: Begin as you Mean to Carry On
Writer Inspiration, Business Planning, Project Development Talena Winters Writer Inspiration, Business Planning, Project Development Talena Winters

S1E2: Begin as you Mean to Carry On

In this episode, I talk about how I spent my so-called holidays, the current state of my writing projects, what I’ve been trying for marketing lately and what I’ve learned from it, and some of my favourite writing tools. I also discuss some movies I watched over the holidays and my business plans for 2022.

Here are some resources mentioned in this episode:

Tool of the Week:

Scrivener: https://www.talenawinters.com/scrivener (affiliate link)

Podcast mentions:

6-figure Authors: SFA 112: How to Smartly Invest back into Your Book Business

Life Lessons - Episode 57: Intermittent Fasting for LIFE

The Creative Penn - #596: Improve Your Sleep And Creativity With Dr. Anne D. Bartolucci

The Creative Penn - #589: Digital Narration with AI Voices with Taylan Kamis from DeepZen

Interview with Geoff Woods on Afford Anything with Paula Pant: #293: THE ONE QUESTION THAT MAKES EVERYTHING EASIER, WITH GEOFF WOODS (Replay of January 1, 2021 episode)

The One Thing podcast - 332: Why this year's success comes down to One Thing

Other Resources:

Alana Terry’s resources for authors: https://successfulwriter.podia.com/

5 Point Plot Structure Freebie: https://www.talenawinters.com/plot-structure/freebie

Romancing the Beat by Gwen Hayes (affiliate links for some platforms)

Delay, Don’t Deny and Clean(ish) by Gin Stephens (affiliate links for some platforms)

All I Want for Christmas excerpt:

The postscript on this episode is an excerpt from AI-Narrated audiobook of All I Want for Christmas, using the licensed voice of Edward Herrmann. The company I used to create the audiobook was DeepZen, https://deepzen.io.

Mug quote of the week:

“It’s only cold if you’re standing still.”

Happy writing!

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Introduction: My Journey So Far
Writer Inspiration Talena Winters Writer Inspiration Talena Winters

Introduction: My Journey So Far

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