Winters’ Day In
Time to spill the tea. Wanna cuppa?
Coming to Life Again
I’m rising from the ashes of a crash and burn four years ago with hope and optimism for a new year, and some intentions to make it a year I’m proud of.
Sowing New Creative Seeds
Notes on the “in-between” stages of creative work and how I’m planning to tackle my upcoming projects to publish more frequently and keep my creativity fresh.
Rattling Around In My Head
About the empty nest, my current health, my amazing hubby, and how he inspires my love stories.
Aspirational Paradox
Kent M. Keith’s “Paradoxical Commandments” really hit home today. Quick read, but a powerful one.
You do you, boo.
Everyone needs something they do that feeds their soul without worrying if it’s “good enough.” And if the trolls don’t approve, just remember—they’re the ones who are missing out. Keep doing the thing. Keep making the art. Keep playing and being creative and having fun. Ditch the perfection and hold onto the joy for dear life. That’s what creativity is for.
Nurturing the Garden of My Soul
A self-reflective post about how far I’ve come and yet to go through the lens of my Enneagram Three-ness, and immediate plans for this blog.
Working on a cure for Business ADHD…
A note to self about why I’m making the decisions I’m about to make, so when I question my sanity later, I can look back at this and say, “Oh, yeah.”
The Long-Overdue Update
An update about my writing projects, my reader community, and other happenings in the last little while.
The Gifts of a Difficult Season
Reflecting on a life-changing year for me and the gifts it’s given me to take into 2024.
Through the Fire
We’re in the worst wildfire season in Alberta’s history, but there’s a lot of other life stuff happening too. Thankfully, most of it’s good.
Couples to "ship" for Valentines Day
A fun introduction to the couples in my books, plus a print book clearance sale just in time for Valentine’s Day!