Winters’ Day In
Conversations on life, faith, stories, and creativity from author Talena Winters.
Pour a cuppa and stay awhile.

Great Sources for Clean Romance and Fantasy Fiction
Struggling to find good, clean books to read? Here’s a list of resources to point you in the right direction.

Ten Reasons My Life is Great Anyway
My life took an unexpected turn last week that has inserted a great deal of stress into it. This is the result of a reminder to focus on the things that are still great in my life.

Finding Gratitude in a Week of Highs And Lows
It’s been a strange week. And by “strange,” I mean it was like there were an extra six really-high highs and kinda-sucky lows stuffed into it without much of a breather between one or the other. So, for posterity, here are the highlights, and a moment to be grateful, too.

7 Favourite Fall Things
Sweaters on Pinterest and other knitting geekery, books, writing, simple comforts, and other joys of autumn. Here’s what’s been inspiring me.

7 Things: The Busy Writer’s Edition
Obligatory blog update. Mostly about writing. But also with a motivational Facebook Live video and guest post mention, in case you missed it. ;-)

7 Moments: What's Been Keeping Me Busy
A photo essay of what's been filling up my blog silence.

The Most Important Man In My Life
Happy birthday to my amazing husband. A roundup of a few of the reasons I love him, and some photos, too.

7 Things: Books for Summer
Okay, so I know that summer is already almost half over. (What? I know, right?) But there are still six more weeks for summer reading--you've got plenty of time! (Six of the seven are indie authors or were published by small presses, and several are by Canadian authors. Can you guess which ones?)

7 Things I'm Grateful For
Wow, so much has happened last week/will be happening this week that I'm going to be posting a couple times this week. For today, because it's Monday, because it's been a while, and because I'm much better at posting these moments on Instagram and Facebook than keeping my blog updated, here's a 7 Things summary of what's been going on.

If I'm Going to Save the World Today, Maybe I Should Put On Some Pants
When everything extraneous has been stripped from your life by a loss, and you are left naked and broken, sometimes just getting your pants on in the morning is a big deal. But you look for those moments that you see progress, too. Moving forward, whether in small steps, or giant leaps--in the end, that's the only thing I can really ask of myself.