A rough sketch of one of the designs featured in my new book, "The Friday Night Date Dress"

I have been revising my first novel, "The Friday Night Date Dress", over the last week.

So, naturally, I decided that it was a good time to revise my web presence by taking all my varied interests and centralizing them into a new website (because I almost don't have enough to do with my time ;-D). Trying to maintain all my various creative websites and blogs has been driving me a little batty... When I am finished, my personal blog here at Winters' Day In [on Blogger] will be combined with my music and crafting stuff, as well as my author's site, under the URL www.talenawinters.com, which currently only  hosts my music [on Bandzoogle]. (Also known as "the make-work project that will save my sanity.") I am SO excited.

Of course, this is on top of the website that my eCommerce platform is forcing me to create because they are closing down their service. (The one I operate at www.wintersdistributing.ca.) The deadline on that is February 1st, and since it only took me three months of 3-a.m. benders to make the first one FROM SCRATCH, I figger I have plenty of time to make a second one now that I don't have to rebrand and recreate all my images, etc. Right? Right?

What fun is making just one website when you can make two? (Tongue planted firmly in cheek, in case you didn't notice.)

So, my fall projects? (Besides co-planning an awesome Comedy Night fundraiser for the orphanage?) Build two websites. Get my first novel published. And figure out how to store the copious amounts of potatoes I planted so they will last the winter.

What are you up to in September, friends?

Talena Winters

I make magic with words. And I drink tea. A lot of tea.


First Day... Again

