Winters’ Day In
Time to spill the tea. Wanna cuppa?
Erinn Bosch: Choosing Her Own Adventure
Erinn Bosch of Turner Valley, Alberta, is a mom, wife, and entrepreneur who loves adventure. When she asked her husband how she could be a better wife, it started her on a journey she didn’t expect.
Becoming Healthier Through Better Time Management
An update on my progress toward getting fit, and what I’ve finally done that is working.
What I Decided
While looking for a way to make my writing business sustainable, I discovered that the answer was in front of me all the time. Life is good.
Real Talk: What the EHT Black Hole and My Fiction Career Have in Common
The Indie Publishing process, and the unique struggles that is posing at my current career phase. I need your help to make this thing work.
Please, Get Uncomfortable
Christians tend to grab a flag—and a sword and pitchfork—whenever we perceive that our “rights” or our “faith” are being threatened. But as the standard-bearers of Christ, are we really crusading for what we think we are?
The Waterboy Cover Reveal
Two weeks from today, on March 27, I will be releasing The Waterboy. It will be free and available exclusively to my newsletter subscribers. Here is the cover, blurb, and a short behind-the-scenes about the book.
Finding Gratitude in a Week of Highs And Lows
It’s been a strange week. And by “strange,” I mean it was like there were an extra six really-high highs and kinda-sucky lows stuffed into it without much of a breather between one or the other. So, for posterity, here are the highlights, and a moment to be grateful, too.
Big Week Ahead
I’m not sure I’m cramming enough exciting things into my week. What do you think?
Equilibrium: What a Rush!
Today, I had an epiphany. I realized that my idealized state of “balance” and true homeostasis are not the same thing. This is going to change everything…
Working with Impostor Syndrome
When it comes to self-makeovers, there is no louder voice about what "should be done" than the one coming from between our ears. And there is nothing wrong with self-reflection and a determination to do something better in the coming year. But there are certain things that we will never be “ready” for until we start doing them.
Mae Renfroe: Surrendered to God
Mae Renfroe lost her second-eldest son, Clayton, in a quadding accident in April of 2017 at the age of fourteen. Mae and I both hope you will be encouraged by her story.
Finding Peace in the Pain
For many, the holidays can be a difficult time of year. I recently shared a one-minute testimony about how I’ve found peace after our family tragedy, and wanted to share it with you. I hope it blesses you.
Indulgent Eggnog (with or without Dairy)
This eggnog recipe has converted confirmed eggnog haters. “Liquid ice cream,” someone once called it. And now I have a dairy-free version. (This post includes both.)
Wonder and Gratitude
When I think back to last December, I can see how very much has happened in my life in the last year, what I’ve accomplished, and how I’ve changed. And I’m grateful.
Dairy-Free Hot Chocolate
A delicious, frothy, homemade dairy-free hot chocolate recipe for you.