... And a Partridge In A Pear Tree
If last weekend was beyond crazy, schedule-wise, this weekend was a refreshing opposite—staying at home all weekend, being productive, spending a little time on the phone with loved ones, and “centering myself.”
In fact, I'm so darn proud of what I've accomplished in only one weekend, I need to record it for posterity:
made 12 cards (thank-yous and birthdays)
made one camouflage-print flannel pajama set for Jude, including shorts, pants, and a button-down shirt. He likes it so much, he's been wearing the shirt all day.
scrapbooked two layouts (see below--one of the layouts is from several weeks ago.)
watched "School of Rock" again. Still a great movie.
talked to all four members of my immediate family. (Okay, I know I live with my mom, so that one was a no-brainer. But hey—I actually talked to the other two that I don't live with, too! I can't remember that last time that happened all in one weekend!)
planned my year-end photo-gift/address change/update newsletter project. As you can tell, I like to make my projects multi-task!
Jason took our Wii to the office to use the high-speed internet and download an update. The Mario Kart game we got for Jude for his birthday didn't like our old technology, or something, so after Jason fixed it on Saturday, the kids (including the biggest one—Jason!) had a blast playing it all afternoon Sunday.
Jabin hasn't been feeling well the last couple of days—hasn't eaten much, and has a bit of a fever. I gotta say, he is the happiest sick kid I know. Even when he's sick, he's still smiling and congenial, singing songs to himself and being sweet. What a little sunshine he is!
Here are the layouts:
Jude making a break for it after a bath.
Jude and Grandpa Winters enjoying the little froggy eating set they gave him.
Jude having fun with the laundry basket and a children’s dictionary.
These photos were all taken when Jude was about 15 months old, just before Noah was born. Reiteration from last Monday's post: WHERE DID THAT BABY GO?!!!!