Just Breathe

Aaaah. It's Friday. The only living creatures in this house besides me at the moment are my two younger sons, who are happily playing with a train set in the Family Room. Oh, and the mouse that's taken up residence in the basement. (We are working on evicting the squatter.)

It's nice to be able to take a moment to breathe.

Last night was AWANA club registration. AWANA is a kids club which we are putting both Jude and Noah into this year. This is the first year we have been involved, and besides the two boys, I am also going to be a leader in the Cubbies club, which is the age group Noah will be in. Jabin will likely have to tag along every week as well, because Jason plans to play basketball every Thursday. Unfortunately, the event does not finish until after the kids' bedtime, meaning Thursdays--and Fridays--could be a long day for everyone.

It took Jude quite a while to wind down last night and fall asleep, and this morning proved it--for the first time, he started with the lament, "I don't wanna go to kindergarten!" I know it was just his exhaustion speaking, because he has been super-excited to go every other day, and was actually quite disappointed when the weekend came and he had to stay home. This morning, however, everything was a major drama. I can't count how many times I said, "Settle down. Take a deep breath." Jude is a child that feels deeply, and the melodrama that follows him through the day is exhausting in itself. In my dealings with him, I also need to remember to breathe, sometimes.

Yesterday, I started the "seasonal switch" from summer to winter gear, doing some "seasonal cleaning" to go along with it. Summer never lasts long enough here. While there's a part of me that is always a little excited about the fall fashions and getting to wear shoes again, it's a small part. The weather doesn't stay warm enough here for very long in the fall, either, meaning that those oh-so-trendy sweater-jackets and knee-length-skirts over tall boots are really only things you can wear comfortably for about three weeks. After that, you have to be so bundled up every time you go out that it wouldn't really matter if you were wearing your flannel pajamas underneath your coat, because no one is going to see them anyway!

Thankfully, I actually remembered to get my winter coats dry-cleaned during the summer this year, so I am not going to be suffering through a week of super-cold weather when the time comes because I was forgetful! (Unlike last year. Ahem.)

We finally got a call yesterday that Noah has been approved for funding to have an aide work with him through what's called Early Intervention. This is the result of a speech assessment I had done on him early in the summer. For three-and-a-half, he should be able to verbally communicate better than he does. His sound reproduction is very age-appropriate--he can parrot you perfectly--but his comprehension and recall are poor. He is excited to tell you things, but can't remember the words he needs to use, so in a long string of babbling you might understand the final word. "Dsi a sidw tgie dihs truck!" This can be pretty frustrating.

Jason is leaving on Sunday for Toronto. He will be there for a week for a course he has to take for work. This could be interesting for me. I have a tendency to not go to bed on time when I know that I'll be the only one in there. Also, I'm going to have to pull out at least three more blankets, I'm sure of it.

So. Two full weeks of the new schedule, and we're still kicking and ticking. I won't deny that I prefer a lifestyle that is a little less manic. However, this is the way things have to be for this year, at least for a while. At least it will make the winter pass quickly.

As long as we remember to keep breathing.
Talena Winters

I make magic with words. And I drink tea. A lot of tea.


For the Kids Who Don't Want to Grow Up

