For the Kids Who Don't Want to Grow Up

There is, of course, only one child who never grows up. But for the rest of us, we can pretend we're him for 113 minutes while we watch P. J. Hogan's Peter Pan.

Yes, I know it's several years old, but I just watched it tonight for the first time. I have to say, it is the most amazing treatment of this story I have ever seen. And the casting was perfect. And the effects were stunning. And the sets were mind-blowing. And the music was transcending.

After watching the movie, then all the many special features, I still didn't want it to end. Were it not, in fact, 1:00 in the morning already, I would have started watching it again immediately.

I was only previewing it before letting the kids watch it, to make sure the portrayal of Captain Hook by Jason Isaacs wouldn't scare the daylights out of them. Now I know that I'll want to drop what I'm doing to watch it with them every time they decide to pick it! (I'm guessing we're going to see a renewal of last year's "pirate and Pan mania" in our house.)

All I can say is, it'll make you believe in magic.
Talena Winters

I make magic with words. And I drink tea. A lot of tea.


Oh, The Things They Say and Do!


Just Breathe