Put on a Happy Face

In an effort to re-focus on my positive attitude, I thought it would be wise to make a list of the top five things about today. (I think I can find five.)

  1. Noah DID NOT poop in his underwear today. (This always makes the morning better.)
  2. We did a cute Noah's Ark craft using sticky-backed shaped foam, and it was a perfect opportunity to share the amazing story of how God saved his faithful servant and the all the animals during the flood. Jude and Noah loved the craft, and I think Jude started to "get it" a lot more than he ever has before. (They've heard the story lots, thanks to its popularity in children's Bible books and videos.)
  3. Jabin has the cutest giggle EVER. I should try and record it and put a sound byte up here. And he LOVES to be tickled.
  4. Jude loves to be a big helper, and feels very important when he does, so this makes my life easier as far as table setting, etc., is concerned. He often volunteers instead of having to be asked to set the table. (Although today he had to be asked for every meal, he did do two of them cheerfully!)
  5. As useless as I felt today, I still managed to maintain a clean kitchen, vacuum half my house, and fold some laundry, as well as doing "school" and a craft with the kids and reading a book with Jabin. I guess today wasn't a total write-off after all.
There. I feel better already. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to go scrapbook for a half-hour before bed, still. I do have one more:

  • Playing through some great old songs in one of my favourite Reader's Digest Songbook collections, which I haven't done for ages. I really must remember to de-stress like this more often. Music does soothe the savage beast, as well as the gloomy and frazzled spirit, apparently.

Happy Wednesday, friends. How was your day?
Talena Winters

I make magic with words. And I drink tea. A lot of tea.


Two Good Men


Kids for sale, going cheap!