Serendipity—Knitting Post

Today, I was knitting outside watching the boys play in the backyard, and look what I discovered by accident:

Peach lace knit baby dress skirt

Peach lace knit baby dress skirt

Same skirt, different angle

This is closer to the actual colour.

When my ball of yarn accidentally fell in the cup-holder, I realized that this was a great way to keep it out of the way, and to prevent tangles. Bonus!

By the way, this is the little lace dress I've been working on--and designing on the fly. Yup, you got it, no pattern here. Either I'm crazy or a knitting genius. Don't tell me which you think it is. Oh, and please no comments on the different dye lots apparent in the skirt. I meant to do that, right?

Here are the other projects I have just completed:

Noah wearing blue Denim yarn kids' cardigan

Noah modelling a blue button-up kids’ cardigan with wooden buttons.

Sweater for Noah. I'm hoping I can stretch the sleeves in blocking, to prolong wearability. Also, the hood, since it's too short. (Hah! Thanks to Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, I now know what "blocking" is!) Made from Sirdar Denim Sport. Hoping it will soften a bit in the wash, as Noah finds it a bit scratchy, I think. Of course, it probably didn't help that it was about 30 degrees C when I made him put it on for this photo! (This pattern was originally written for Lion Brand Microspun, and although I've made it three times, I've never used that yarn for it. It was featured in the premiere issue of Knit It!, and the first two times I made it was a baby sweater for Jude in lime green, which all of my boys have worn, and another baby sweater in the same size in variegated purple, green and blue yarn for my niece Kayla.)

Blue, white and yellow intarsia-knit ducky blanket.

Blue intarsia-knit Ducky Blanket, pattern from the yarn label.

Duck baby blanket from Bernat Baby Boucle. The pattern was on the sleeve of one of the balls of yarn, and too cute to pass up. This is my first foray into Intarsia Knitting (for the uninitiated, this means knitting colour patterns in designated areas, rather than carrying the yarn behind the fabric). I have to say, I did not enjoy it. Way too many little strings and balls of yarn to keep straight. I think my next challenge will be more to do with stitch pattern than colour.

'Kay, lightning storm's a-comin', and I gotta shut off the 'puter. Have a great night, all!


Off my Duff!


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