A Day In Review

  • My fingers are numb from playing steel guitar strings;
  • My hair is filled with sawdust and drywall mud;
  • My throat is sore from the smoke that filled our house after I lit the fireplace this afternoon;
  • I had to apologize to Jude for yelling at him unnecessarily this morning;
  • I got to give Noah a horse-back ride today while he giggled;
  • My wonderful husband helped me cut wood panelling for my kitchen with the skill saw (a saw that makes me nervous, so I asked him to do that job for me);
  • Jabin smiled at the doctor through his entire 6-month checkup (six months already! Where did the time go?);
  • Jude did manage to annoy his brother a LOT, but it seemed slightly less than usual;
  • Noah did a bang-up job of singing and doing the actions to "If You're Happy And You Know It..." while I was practicing guitar tonight (I'm sure he also knows all the words to every VeggieTales sing-along CD we own, even if I can't understand all of them when he sings them);
  • I realized that I had made so many mistakes when cutting my baseboard, I now no longer have enough--then thought that I might be able to make it work if I bevel two edges and stick them on as one long straight section (in other words, make it work as is. What? It's behind the hutch--no one will ever see it, anyway! And yes, baseboard is cheap, but not that cheap.);
  • I managed to take ten minutes and blog about it all.

Quote of the Day:

"It's all knowing what to start with. If you start in the right place and follow all the steps, you will get to the right end." -Elizabeth Moon, The Speed of Dark, 2003
Talena Winters

I make magic with words. And I drink tea. A lot of tea.


Some Days It’s Hard to be Radical


My son the punk rocker