Nothing Better Than...

  • Blogging

  • Scrapbooking

  • Internet shopping

  • My husband (just can't get enough! Guess that's why I married him!)

  • Hot chocolate

  • Pretty patterned paper

  • Taffy Apple Dip

  • Making music (Even without a piano and only limited skill on my guitar, can't keep it from growing in my head--I may not be writing as prolifically these days as I used to, but it still keeps spilling out of me!)

  • Scrapbooking--Oh, did I mention that already?

  • Reading (although I do not get as much time for it these days as I would like.)

  • Listening to music

  • "I Can Only Imagine" by MercyMe. (Also "Word of God Speak.")

  • Steven Curtis Chapman. He's my songwriting hero.

  • A cup of nice, steamy tea, either boiled or steeped with cream/milk and sugar, and a sprinkle of cardamom on top. (Just reminds me so much of Ruth's chai.)

  • Chicken Curry with Apricot Chutney.

  • A freshly bathed and diapered baby on my chest.

  • Hugs and kisses from my kids before bed.

  • The peace of the Spirit that descends on me as He speaks to me through His word.

  • Helping someone live healthier and feel better.

  • A package in the mail. (See Internet Shopping, above.)

  • A SURPRISE package in the mail!

  • A scrapbook layout that I am completely satisfied with.

  • Writing a new song.

  • A phone call from a friend. (Closely followed by an e-mail from a friend.)

  • Jason's kisses. (Sorry, I'm not sharing!)

  • Bubble baths! and hot showers.

  • Goose-down mattress after a long day.

  • White lights on a tree with a tropical breeze and the smell of the ocean wafting by as you sip virgin pina coladas on a terrace. (Okay, I haven't experienced that one for a while. Goa, Christmas 1997. SO want to go back there. This time, the hot guy I'm with will be my hubby, so it will be WAY better, too! --same hot guy as last time, btw. Different circumstances.)

  • That last one is hard to top!

  • Sleeping in.

  • Breakfast out.

  • The kids running to greet me after being gone for a whole HOUR getting groceries like I'd been gone all day.

  • Clean sheets.

  • Playing a well-tuned, nicely-toned piano.

  • Playing a well-tuned, nicely-toned piano without an audience, for at least an hour at a time, so I can Practice and still have time to Play!

  • Playing a well-tuned, nicely-toned piano WITH an audience, so I can have a chance to give glory to my Father by sharing the music He's given me, and minister to said audience.

  • Praying with a stranger who needs it.

  • Getting over myself to see other people.

  • Spring sunshine.

  • Green grass.

  • The smell of the earth after the rain.

  • Spending time with Jay just hanging out, with and/or without the kids.

  • Coffee at Starbucks with Jason.

  • Coffee at Starbucks with friends.

  • A newborn baby.

  • Hugs.

  • Getting a chance to share the love of Christ with someone.

  • Getting a grumpy cashier/waitress to smile.

  • Blessing a complete stranger.

  • Being blessed by a complete stranger.

  • Starbucks' Frappuccino, Tall Chocolate Mocha Chip.

  • Getting a compliment about my well-behaved children.

  • Children actually BEING well-behaved!

  • Making a new friend.

  • Visiting with an old friend.

  • A compliment from someone who knows what they're talking about.

  • Giving a compliment and making someone's day.

  • Getting new scrapbooking toys!

  • The smell of fresh-baked bread.

  • "I Will Not Go Quietly," "Moment Made For Worshipping", "Magnificent Obsession" by Steven Curtis Chapman.

  • Nichole Nordeman. (Pretty much anything by her, too. She's my other songwriting hero.)

  • The smell of coffee. (Sometimes I think I should make coffee, not because I want some, but because it smells so good! It reminds me of my house growing up, and of my dad.)

  • Painting.

  • New clothes that make you feel pretty/romantic/sexy.

  • When you're husband tells you that you look pretty/HOT/sexy!

  • Lazy summer days.

  • Knitting.

  • Family get-togethers.

  • Chocolate chip cookies. (Yes, I know I'm not supposed to eat them. But they still taste good, even if I can't have them very often!)


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