No Place Like Home
As much as I enjoy travelling, and visiting, and adventuring, by the time we pulled into our yard at 11 p.m. last Friday, I was VERY ready to be home, and so were the boys.
However, we all enjoyed our week at Tony and Candace's. Jabin actually refers to their place as "Naomi's house"--you can tell who he sticks like glue to while we visit there. Something about them both being five--they get along like two peas in a pod.
Naomi and Jabin
So, during our two week holiday, there were a few highlights I'd like to mention:
Jude bought a couple of dwarf hamsters which he found on Kijiji, which I will go into more detail about in another post. (I don't even have a good photo of them yet, sorry.)
The kids all got along, for the most part, but there were some rules that had to be established, which resulted in a some humourous signs posted around the house.
Boys' room
Girls' room
The kids all played outside LOTS, and had great fun with the spring weather that had finally arrived! There was mud, yes, but that's to be expected. I may have pretended to be Elly Mae when I was a kid, but I think Candace has taken it another step and actually decided to become Elly Mae--that girl has more critters than the Church Picnic's got potato salads.
Kids making "Chocolate Pies":
And, Best for Last, Candace's baby was another little girl named Hannah! At ten days overdue, she was in no hurry to come out, but adjusted quickly to the new way the world works once she got here!
Jude and Hannah, 4 days old
I kept busy while I was there, of course, and have been even busier since I got back home. Spring means there is always lots to do... but that will have to wait for another blog post.
Naomi, Abigail, Zoe, and Jabin