Winters’ Day In

Time to spill the tea. Wanna cuppa?

Insanely Optimistic
Journal, Writing Talena Winters Journal, Writing Talena Winters

Insanely Optimistic

Some days, writing fiction for a living feels like walking through sludge in a mudstorm. I'm going to be honest—I spend a little bit of every day wondering if I'm actually going to be able to pull this off. But no risk, no reward. Right?

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Photo Friday: Become Brave
Inspiration, Journal, Photography Talena Winters Inspiration, Journal, Photography Talena Winters

Photo Friday: Become Brave

The theme of my life for the last several months has been about becoming brave. My life has become less about protecting myself, and more about how my life can bless others. Sometimes, the things I have done have cost me. But for the most part, they have helped my heart and my courage to grow. Here are some lessons I've learned on the way.

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