Winters’ Day In

Conversations on life, faith, stories, and creativity from author Talena Winters.

Pour a cuppa and stay awhile.

Rhonda Parrish: Thriving with her Tribe
Featured Guests Talena Winters Featured Guests Talena Winters

Rhonda Parrish: Thriving with her Tribe

Author, editor, and hydra-tamer Rhonda Parrish has made a life doing what she loves best—writing and helping others. Her deep-seated passion for creating community grew from surprising roots. Rhonda has been a positive influence for many aspiring and established writers. Read this post to find out how she forged a path to get to where she is now.

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Mary DeMuth: Beauty in the Broken
Featured Guests Talena Winters Featured Guests Talena Winters

Mary DeMuth: Beauty in the Broken

Mary DeMuth's biography on Facebook begins, “If you met Mary today, her joy would confuse you.” I love that. After all that Mary has been through, the fact that she is known by her joy (not surprising if you read even one article she has written) is a testimony to the healing power of Christ. His love shines through her like light through a stained glass window.

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