Winters’ Day In
Time to spill the tea. Wanna cuppa?
When You Just Can't Do It All
Lately, I've been getting that too-familiar "overwhelmed" feeling. Looking back over the first six months of this year, I am coming to a difficult conclusion: I still can't do it all. So it's time to reset some priorities.
The Cost of Talent
I am a strong believer in being the best person you can be. Not in some humanist, "you-aren't-living-unless-you-achieve-your-full-potential" way. But in an "I'm-grateful-for-the-person-I-am" way.
Are you grateful for the talents you have?
Being Variegated: Embracing my Inner "Jill of All Trades"
Over the years, I have often wished I could be one of those people who could just focus on one thing and get really good at it, and was frustrated trying to do that over and over. It's about time I accepted myself just the way I am. Are you like this, too?