Winters’ Day In

Conversations on life, faith, stories, and creativity from author Talena Winters.

Pour a cuppa and stay awhile.

Winding Ways, Dark Secrets, and Dwarf Duels, Oh My!
My Books & Writing Talena Winters My Books & Writing Talena Winters

Winding Ways, Dark Secrets, and Dwarf Duels, Oh My!

In Part Seven of the Rise of the Grigori Beneath-the-Surface series I’ve got my most favourite author interview I’ve ever done in my life. Mary from Kit’n’Kabookle came up with some seriously fun questions—including a behind-the-scenes moment from Calandra’s past that’s not in the series itself.

Read on for a real treat!

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The Benefits of "Escapist Fiction"
My Books & Writing, Books & Movies, Essays & Reflections Talena Winters My Books & Writing, Books & Movies, Essays & Reflections Talena Winters

The Benefits of "Escapist Fiction"

Humans are made of stories. And, no matter the "world" that a story may be set in, at the heart of every good story is a character who is overcoming difficult situations that must be relatable to the reader in some way, or the story would not resonate with us. In this post, I talk about some ways that fantasy and other genres of fiction have benefited me, and why I think everyone should read or watch it.

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