It's an Epidemic!

Not since the days of three boys under three have there been so many toothless smiles in our house.


Jude’s gap.


Jabin’s gap.


Noah’s gaps(!).

Noah has lost three or four teeth in the last week alone. On Sunday, when he had yet another one all wiggly, I told him I was going to have to start feeding him baby food soon! Didn't slow him down--he is usually so thrilled to be losing a tooth that he will wiggle it to extremes in less than half an hour, then ask Jason to take it out with the pliers!

...And the tooth fairy doesn't even visit our house! (Not so sure what the thrill is--I think it is the perceived "big boy status" that comes along with replacing baby teeth with adult ones.)

So... looks like I'll be making a lot of soup over the next little while. :-)

Talena Winters

I make magic with words. And I drink tea. A lot of tea.


We All Have Our Reasons...


My New Baby...