While I Was Blinking...

. . . Jude went from a baby to little boy.

His birthday isn't until tomorrow, but we celebrated today anyway. Just a family day. And, by special request from the birthday boy, a dragon party.

After a picnic lunch in the park (which we ended up eating in the van thanks to the wasps), and some playtime on the playground, we came home to prep for the actual party. First, the boys decorated dragon t-shirts with fabric paint (which they will get to wear tomorrow, on the actual birthday) and made dragon hats. (Daddy supervised crafts while Mommy was prepping cake.)

Then, we had Blood-n-Brimstone Bubble cake.

There were presents, and giggles, and lots and lots of pictures.

'Twas a fun and delicious time had by all.

Happy number six, Little Man!

Talena Winters

I make magic with words. And I drink tea. A lot of tea.


Arkansan Anomalies


All My Dreams Are Changing Every Day In Every Possible Way