Uber-Cute. Family May 14 Written By Talena Winters I just took photos off the camera, and I just loved this one. (Well except for the part where you can see my laundry pile and messy house.)Happy Wednesday, friends. Blog home | Blog archive JabinNoahfamilyboy mom lifefamily lifeKid Moments Talena Winters I make magic with words. And I drink tea. A lot of tea.
Uber-Cute. Family May 14 Written By Talena Winters I just took photos off the camera, and I just loved this one. (Well except for the part where you can see my laundry pile and messy house.)Happy Wednesday, friends. Blog home | Blog archive JabinNoahfamilyboy mom lifefamily lifeKid Moments Talena Winters I make magic with words. And I drink tea. A lot of tea.