One Elephant Went Out To Play...
Tired of reading about GM foods yet?
Sorry for the lack of updates, folks. I've been burning the midnight oil getting ready for the class I am teaching this Friday night at a scrapbooking retreat here in town. It's called "Using Transparent Elements." I am far from ready. At least it feels like I still am.
Here are the sample layouts that the students will be making in the class. (Yes, they are both the same layout, but I had to do one with the photo in both orientations, since I didn't specify which one the photo they bring should be in in.)
This blog will resume regular updating next week. 'Til then, I hope you are all well! Please share something with me that made your day/week/month in the comments section.
Wow, so much has happened last week/will be happening this week that I'm going to be posting a couple times this week. For today, because it's Monday, because it's been a while, and because I'm much better at posting these moments on Instagram and Facebook than keeping my blog updated, here's a 7 Things summary of what's been going on.