Saturday was Canada Day, as I said. To celebrate our country's birthday, we went downtown to the Peace River festivities, along with our friends the Magnussons, and found Wes and Serena Burdick et al. there, too. Amanda and I were both a little disappointed that there wasn't more going on--they didn't even have face-painting! Their "Family Craft" was blowing bubbles with big long wands. The kids had fun doing it, but, c'mon...Bubbles? That would have been nice,
in addition to something else. That, sidewalk chalk, getting stick on "tatoos", and the Slip'n'Slide set up on the hill (with a line-up 15 minutes long) were about the only activities age-appropriate for my kids--and two out of the four they get to do at home all the time. Oh, well. Thank goodness for the playground--our children, as well as most everyone else's--enjoyed whiling the afternoon away climbing up, sliding down, and fooling around.

To the town's credit, there were several dance performances put on by different dance studios here in town. I especially loved this one (click on photo to see full-size):

Oh, I forgot--there was one other really cool thing--they set up a huge water sprinkler, powered from a local firetruck, and sent off random bursts of spray from one of the fire-hoses as well. Noah, our water-baby, had a total blast, and Jude eventually got in on the action, too!

The day was finished off nicely with Panago pizza and fun and games at the Burdicks. We played
Cranium--very fun. Unfortunately, I had to "charade" the words "swimsuit calendar" to Jason, my team-mate. Not only was this difficult, it was slightly embarrassing--considering there were two other couples there! How do you act this one out and NOT have it be embarrassing?!
Cute Kid Corner:Jude and Noah have been loving playing "swords" lately. They have been using a broken walking cane they found in one of the sheds out back, and a thin piece of broken wood, also from a shed. So, on Friday, I went to the Dollar Store and bought them two sets of two play swords, complete with sheaths, thinking they would have enough to play with their friends when they came visitng. Well, in true product-of-the-dollar-store fashion, all the sheaths and two of the swords have already been busted by them and their friends. However, before they all broke completely, I managed to get some
good mediocre shots of the kids this morning. Whaddaya think?

When they re-make the movie in thirty years, Jude's going to be giving Viggo a run for his money!
Edit: I forgot to mention that Jude's even been wanting to sleep with this thing--it's been practically glued to his body since we bought it! However, we've drawn the line at swords in bed. I know. Spoilsports.