
For my high school graduation, my wonderful aunt Mary made me an absolutely gorgeous pink quilt, all hand-stitched, with wonderful detailed work on it. I love this quilt. Apparently, so do my kids.

One of Jude's favourite activities is to run around the partition wall between the living room, dining room, and kitchen (with access out of the kitchen on both sides), dragging this quilt behind him, and with Noah hanging onto the back. This drives me crazy for several reasons:

1. Thanks to my ongoing-for-two-and-a-half-months-now-will-it-never-end renovation project in my kitchen, the hutch is pulled out far enough, with a jutting countertop at just the right height, that Noah often clocks himself on the forehead on the way by. Two-year-olds aren't known to really be in the habit of looking at anything above eye level, so this is really not all that surprising.

2. I don't want this masterpiece of craftsmanship destroyed by inadvertently catching and ripping on something on the way by. Or getting hopelessly stained by something that hasn't been cleaned off the kitchen floor yet. Or whatever else could possibly happen to it.

So, I have banned this particular passtime. (I know. I'm such a killjoy.) However, that hasn't stopped Jude from playing with the quilt--fortunately in a less-destructive manner.

The other day he wrapped himself up in it whilst rolling on the floor, and declared that he was a "chicken wrap!"

It gets better.

Today, he did the same thing and told Jason he was a "French Fry wrap!"

Where does he come up with these things?
Talena Winters

I make magic with words. And I drink tea. A lot of tea.


I'd Rather Be...


This and That, plus Cream of Potato Soup