Our Busy Week/End

Things have been rather eventful around here this last week.

Last Wednesday, the kids and I went and visited Amanda Magnusson and her kids down by Valleyview. This was fun, but unfortunately I think I caught Amanda's cold. So, going into the Scrapbooking retreat this weekend, I was almost constantly blowing my nose. However, last night and today have been the worst. All the junky food at the retreat, coupled with not a huge amount of sleep, probably gave it a better hold than it would otherwise have had.

Jude has been really into talking on the phone lately. Not the real phone, although he'll do that if you let him. But he loves pretending to talk on his toy phones--one an old cell phone of Jason's, and one an old cordless that got fried. Thursday and Friday last week he was constantly calling everyone he knew, and inevitably I got to talk to them, too. For some reason, everyone was going to the doctor, too. He even called the doctor! My favourites were when he called Papa (my dad) and told him he wanted to play with him (which he actually got to do for real on Thursday--talk to Papa and tell him that, I mean), and when he was talking to Bailey, Dawson, David, and Emily all at once (who were all at the doctor, of course.)

Here's a picture of him on the phone. He had so many calls to make, he had to use them both!

Noah continues to be as busy as ever. Amanda says he is busier than her two kids put together! I think it is because he is a self-entertainer. So he is always looking for ways to entertain said self. He still has a nasty habit of eating floor food, but I am hoping that it is mostly just strengthening his immune system!

He is starting to say more words. He is now trying to say "outside, ducky, drink, thank you, please, Daddy, Mommy, bath," and probably more that I have forgotten about. One of his favourite VeggieTales movies is "King George and the Ducky", which is why I think he says that word.

Jabin was so good at Scrap Away this weekend! Thankfully, his teeth must not have been bugging him too badly, because he was quiet, and I got many comments about what a good baby he is. Thankfully as well, there were several ladies there who didn't mind taking him off my hands for short periods of time so I could actually get some scrapbooking done. Even a good, quiet baby ties up both of your hands!

He is going to be four months old tomorrow--where has the time gone?! This is a picture of him I took tonight while he was eating his FIRST SOLID FOOD--a soft-boiled egg yolk. (Do you like his egg mustache? It was even better a half-hour later when we were outside, and I noticed I had missed some that had gone dry and crusty on his lip! Ooops!) HE LOVED IT! He couldn't get enough of it, although he has some work to do on his swallowing reflex. He had the biggest grin the whole time. He looked so little and so grown-up at the same time sitting in this high chair!

I got to know a couple of acquaintances a little better at the Scrap Away, so that was nice. The BONUS of the weekend is that I found a source of free-run eggs for only $2 a dozen, and natural, raw honey for only $16 a gallon! (In Red Deer, I was paying an exorbitant $27 a gallon for honey, and free-run eggs are about $4 a dozen in the grocery store.) Also, I discovered two great sources for scrapbooking supplies--one in Peace River, and one in Grimshaw. Between the two of them, they carry many of the products that I was shopping for on eBay, at a comparable price, and without the wait! They had stores set up at the retreat--how convenient! I did manage to restrain myself from buying them out, however! (That's pretty easy to do when your bank account is empty!) It's just information that was filed for future use!

Jason managed to get a couple of projects done around the house while I was gone on Saturday, even though he was watching the older boys all day. There are so many things we want to do with this house, but it is all a matter of time and money. If we stay here long enough to accomplish them all, this is going to be a beautiful place to live. Right now we try to turn a blind eye to the poorly-done renovation projects of owners past, or we'll drive ourselves crazy!

Yesterday, we again visited our friends, the Magnussons, for whom we are absolutely thrilled--they have recently made the decision for Darryl to quit welding at the shop he's been at for several years now, and for him to rig up his own welding truck. This means a huge increase in income for them, but also a possible increase in time away from the family for Darryl. The demand for welders is phenomenal, and the shortage even more so. However, we are so glad for them--they have had many years of struggling to get by, so it is nice to see the Lord blessing them this way. He is always so faithful.

Well, I better go get my beauty sleep, so I can try to kick this cold. Tomorrow is our busy day--I go get a wart treatment at 9 am, then we go to a Mom's Morning Out bible study in Grimshaw at the Mile Zero Church, then I stick around out there and scrapbook for the afternoon with a couple of ladies I am getting to know there. At least there is no Book Club tomorrow night--every other Tuesday I have that, as well. It's a full day!

(My current Tuesday scrapbook project is getting Jabin's birth announcements finished--maybe I can get them out before he turns 6 months old!)

One last thing:

Congratulations to Darren and Christa Degenhardt, who just welcomed baby number 4 into their family on March 15th! Desten Manuel makes a third boy for them. If you think of it, please pray for Christa, as Darren won't be able to be home to help her much for about another month, until spring break-up. Destin was born by emergency C-section, and although Christa says she is healing fine, there is always the additional struggles that go along with a C-section to deal with.

God bless you Destin, and may you be a blessing to your family, as well!
Talena Winters

I make magic with words. And I drink tea. A lot of tea.


Feels like Spring


My Compliments; Dr. Strange, part 2