Living Without Regrets

A man and woman stand at the top of a mountain and gaze at a landscape bathed in brilliant light from the setting sun.
No amount of regretting can change the past, and no amount of worrying can change the future.
— Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

My husband and I just started a series on Apple TV called Dark Matter, a sci-fi thriller that explores the idea that you could move between the multiverses created by your own decisions and asks the question “If you could live the life you didn't choose at the expense of the version of yourself who did, would you?” (The show is based on the novel by Blake Crouch.)

We’re only three episodes in, but I’m enjoying it so far. Coincidentally, I also spent the last two days finishing up a long-overdue project to categorize and tag my old blog posts properly. (I only moved my blog to Squarespace in 2014—eleven years isn’t a long time to leave something like this unfinished, right?)

Anyway, I started blogging in February 2006—just after my third son was born—and most of my posts for the first few years were just about our lives and funny things my kids said and did.

Boy, am I glad I wrote those stories down, because I wouldn’t remember half of them now. (I captured even more in their scrapbooks, which was my creative outlet at the time.)

But after basically going on a tour of the last nineteen years of my life for the past two days, watching this show has got me thinking… if the choices we make are what makes us who we are, would I have made different ones if I could?

And, for the most part, no. Things haven't always turned out the way I hoped they would. And there are things I’m still healing from—a little every day. But I'm happy and content with my beautiful life, and so very grateful.

I hope you can say the same. But if you can’t, I want you to know—it’s never too late to start making that beautiful life you hope for. Even with all the pain and the tragedy that may be behind you, you can heal. You can grow, make better choices, and move forward. And “Earth has no sorrow that Heaven can't heal.”*

But I think you probably know that, and that’s why you’re here. Because that's the message I put in every one of my books. (One of the messages, anyway. :-D)

*From “Come as you Are” by Crowder.

"It's never too late to make a change." - from Finding Heaven by Talena Winters. Image shows a blond woman overlooking a suburban neighbourhood from her back deck.

Quote from my book, Finding Heaven.

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Talena Winters

I make magic with words. And I drink tea. A lot of tea.


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