Lots of bookish things… including my new title!

I thought about calling this “Friday Morning Coffee Chat” again, but something in me rebelled at naming this the exact same thing as last week. Maybe I’ll just make it a category. Because I kind of like doing these “week in review” posts. I’m going to see if I can keep it up.

The most exciting thing that happened in my week was that my hardcovers for Every Star that Shines came yesterday. And they are gorgeous!

There’s something so special about holding your new book for the first time.

Happy, proud girl. I even designed the cover myself.

Other than that, my week has been pretty full with a big writing assignment that’s due today. Thanks to COVID and the craziness of the last month, it all got kind of squished to the end of when I had to work on it, which isn’t my preference.


After this, I’ll be caught up again!

And man, do I need a break. I’m thinking I’ll take a few days off next week. It’s not quite the “week off” I had planned for earlier this month, but it’s better than nothing.

However, now my publication schedule for Book 2 of the Peace Country Romances is seriously crunched, because I haven’t had time to work on it at all. (Except thinking and thinking. So much thinking.) So this isn’t the end of long days, I just need a break before I jump into the next batch.

I mean, it should be technically possible to outline and write and revise the first draft in nine weeks. Theoretically. I’ve never done something like that, but it’s possible, right?

(Just nod and smile. I need reassurance, not reality right now.)

One of the struggles I have in my author career is staying focused on multiple things at once. I’m currently in marketing mode, so I’m doing things like posting to Instagram regularly and blogging (two weeks in a row! Woot!). I even joined TikTok and started making and posting videos there about a week ago. I’m still getting my groove on, but it’s been stretching me in a new direction creatively, so that’s fun. I even learned how to use Canva’s video editor.

(That’s probably why I haven’t been pulling my hair out about not working on my book yet. I’m getting anxious about not writing fiction, but it’s not as bad as it could be.)

But once I hit drafting mode, will I be able to keep up all the posting? I don’t know. It will be tough. My brain can only put out so much content in a single day. I’ll have to look at more scheduled posts and create some in batches maybe.

There are always so many things to do. Always.

What I’m Watching and Reading

In other news, last weekend, Jason, Jabin and I started watching Season Four of Stranger Things. I don’t normally care for shows with that much horror in them, but there are so many things about this show I love, I can deal with the gross stuff.

We got through a little over half the season last weekend, and I’ve been thinking about it all week. Looking forward to wrapping that up this weekend. (See? I do take some down time, even in the midst of all the craziness.)

I’ve also been listening to the audiobook of Fable by Adrienne Young, which I’ve had in my Chirp app for quite some time. I’m really enjoying it. Do recommend.

Okee-dokee, I better get to work.

Happy Friday! What’s happened in your week that’s worth celebrating? Leave me a comment. I’d love to celebrate with you!

Talena's brag shelf of books next to a potted fig.

See how pretty my book spines all look together?

Talena Winters

I make magic with words. And I drink tea. A lot of tea.


Searching for Rainbows


Friday Morning Coffee Chat