Outside Articles:
The great thimerosal cover-up: Mercury, vaccines, autism, and your child's health
Aspartame (Nutrasweet)Toxicity Info Centre - Also has information on Splenda and Sweet One
Guide To Superfoods - Non-toxic ways to get the extra nutrition your body requires, as opposed to synthetic or isolated vitamin or mineral supplements
My Articles:
About Canola Oil
ADHD: Risky Treatment, Fruitful Prevention
Alternative to Flu Vaccine
Ants and Aspartame
Autism & Vaccines
A Word About Oils...
Benefits of Eating Eggs - Including raw ones!
Benefits of Homemade Mayo
Benefits of Superfoods: "You Mean I Don't HAVE To Be Sick?"
Breast Cancer: Racing For A Cure That Already Exists
Can't Beat the Real Thing - Eggs vs. Artificial Egg Replacement
The Case for Saturated Fats
Clogged Arteries? - Do saturated fats cause heart disease?
The Coca-Cola Myth--and the Truth - Why is it so bad for you, really?
Coffee and Tea: An Objective Look
Consequences of Sugar
Cook From Scratch--Fast!
Dangers of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate
Dangers of Sugar
Diseases and Toxins:
Hazards of Chlorinated Water - find out how asthma and cancer are both related to drinking tap water
Is your cookware killing you? - Teflon vs. Cast Iron
MSG - A Slow Poison Could this be a root cause in the obesity epidemic?
Why do I need Vitamin D? - Does sunlight cause or prevent skin cancer?
Will This Phage You? - about bacteriaphage on cold cuts
Diabetes Caused by Consuming Refined Foods
Diva Cup
Does Sunscreen cause skin cancer?
Eggs, Benefits of
Eggs - Can't Beat the Real Thing
Essential Oils
Fat Processing: Extraction (#1 in series)
Fat Processing: Hydrogenation (#2 in series)
Fat Processing: Homogenization (#3 in series)
Hazards of Chlorinated Water - find out how asthma and cancer are both related to drinking tap water
Pass the Honey - Benefits of raw honey.
How To Protect Yourself From Cancer With Food
Is your cookware killing you? - Teflon vs. Cast Iron
Lipid Hypothesis - Is a low-fat diet actually good for you?
Microwave Ovens: The Curse of Convenience
Milk: Raw vs. Pasteurized
More Benefits of Raw Honey
MSG - A Slow Poison Could this be a root cause in the obesity epidemic?
Pass the Honey - Benefits of raw honey.
Raising a Whole Food Child In a Processed Food World
Raw Milk vs. Pasteurized - What's the difference?
The Real Scoop on Vaccination
Saturated Fat:
Clogged Arteries? - Do saturated fats cause heart disease?
Lipid Hypothesis - Is a low-fat diet actually good for you?
Would you like a Side of Radiation with that? - on irradiated food.
Say No to Crack(le, Snap, and Pop!) - Why you should switch away from cold cereal. Alternative breakfast foods.
The Scents of Heaven - about essential oils and ways I have used them.
So What's Wrong With Soda?
Soy Milk is Unhealthy
The Coca-Cola Myth--and the Truth - Why is it so bad for you, really?
Sugar and Your Immune System
Sugar: Root cause of degenerative disease
Superfoods and Supplements:
"You Mean I Don't HAVE To Be Sick?"--Benefits of Superfoods, Ningxia Red (Goji Berries, Blueberries, Lemon Essential Oil)
Sweeteners, Natural:
Pass the Honey - Benefits of raw honey.
Whole Foods:
Benefits of Eating Eggs - Including raw ones!
Pass the Honey - Benefits of raw honey.
Say No to Crack(le, Snap, and Pop!) - Why you should switch away from cold cereal. Alternative breakfast foods.
Would you like a Side of Radiation with that? - on irradiated food.
Why Butter Is Better
Why do I need Vitamin D?
Why is Alphalpha Toxic?
Why Not Soy Formula?
Why Sprout?
Will This Phage You? - about bacteriaphage on cold cuts
The Wonders of Bee Pollen
Would you like a Side of Radiation with that? - on irradiated food.
"You Mean I Don't HAVE To Be Sick?"--Benefits of Superfoods