The Author Alchemist
Transform your words into gold.
The Unbreakable Promise: Hooking Readers through Expectations
In this first post in the “Strong Beginnings” series, we’ll explore the promises made in a compelling first act that engross your reader so completely they don’t stop reading until they get all the way to the satisfying conclusion of your story.
The Plotting Dilemma: Making Story Structure Work for You
The beautiful thing about the structure of the Flexible Writer’s Framework is that you can apply it at any stage of your writing process—which makes it perfect for pantsers and plotters alike. Learn how it works in this post.
Your Story in a Single Sentence Part 1: The Log Line
Creating a log line before you begin drafting (or even after!) lets you see whether you have a story that will carry a novel or help you flesh out an idea into something that will. Use this simple plot structure device to make sure you have a story worth telling.