Talena Winters

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Photo Friday: Knitting is Love

TC ponders whether to "help" with the knitting.

Okay, I admit, I'm cheating a little on this week's photo. I didn't take it, my mom did. On a phone. While we were visiting my sister a year ago.

It's just that I found this really great quote about knitting, and wanted to use it.

Despite all the "photos of knitting" and "knitting tutorial photos" and all kinds of knit-related-item photos I take, I have very, very few photos of me in the actual process of knitting.

I knit a lot. (Try to remember to breathe.) But although I do it because I love it and need something that helps me focus and relax and distracts me at the same time, I also do it because it is a way to show that I love people.

In the photo above, I was making mittens for Levi, which he wore a LOT for the remainder of the winter.

Levi loved his new mitties!

Although I don't make all my family's mittens and hats and scarves, I make most of them--partly because they are warmer and better quality than the ones I can buy here, and partly because my family (especially the kids) like to wear them. Maybe that's because when I hand them a new pair I say, "Here are some hugs for your hands."

And maybe that's why some of the most poignant (to me) mementos of Levi that I have on display are the little hand-knit items he would wear so much all winter long.

One of Levi's favourites. It now hangs in our hallway.

Knitting is a lot of things. And as much as I love it for the challenge and the activity, to me, knitting is more than just a craft--knitting for someone IS love.

Do you have a favourite handicraft or hobby? If so, why do you love it?